Tanzania Safaris Destinations

Tanzania Safaris Destinations

Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park

The park is 21 km from Arusha and on the main road to Moshi. A network of gravel roads and tracks, link the park's main features and viewing points.

This park has three distinct zones: Ngurdoto Crater (often called the 'mini-Ngorongoro'), shallow alkaline Momella Lake and the densely forested slopes of Mount Meru.

The Ngurdoto Crater is steep with rocky cliffs, enclose a wide wetland floor with herds of buffalo and warthog. Momella Lake has underground streams, that will attract thousands flamingos and many other birds can be seen between May and October. The densely forested slopes of Mount Meru is the home to blue monkeys and beautiful black and white colobus monkeys. Other animal species, giraffe, buffalo, zebra, hippo, various antelopes, leopard and hyena.

Activities in the park

There are a range of activities this includes walking safaris which are always accompanied by a ranger and last for a maximum of 4 hours, you stop for a break at one of the park's picnic sites with breath taking views. You can also explore the park by vehicle (game drive) , taking in the stunning views and keeping an eye on the wildlife. Another great activity is a canoeing safari which allows you to explore the lake.

Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park

Covered under the massive area of the Great Rift Valley, with 325 sq. km, this park is fully surrounded by green landscape, and the alkaline lake.

This relatively small park is divided into five distinct vegetation zones: ground-water forest, marshland, reed beds, open grasslands and acacia woodland

The vegetation of groundwater forest, where blue monkeys, baboons and the curious-looking silvery-cheeked hornbill live, among the more than 350 bird species, the most profuse being the flamingo. In a single day, you may see elephant, buffalo, zebra, hippo and the curious lions which have a habit of resting in trees.

Activities in the park

Lake Manyara National Park is very accessible, it allows you to take daily game drives. If you prefer adventure, take a night drive and see the animals hunt their preys. This option is only available when you overnight in the park. The walking safaris have three routes for the easy hiker and more advanced it takes up to 2-6 hours. Canoeing over Lake Manyara is stunning, you can see the thousands of flamingos during November till July. Take it to the next level ! Climb 18 meters high into the trees with the Lake Manyara Treetop Walkway, occupied with your personal ranger and meet the monkeys and other wildlife from an other perspective. Not only the big wild animals are attractive,if you are a bird lover you can go on a bird safari.

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania with 20,000 sq km range. The sensational baobab trees and different landscapes such as small hills and savannah, is the home to varied animal populations.

Because of the permanent water supply of the Tarangire River, hundreds of animals migrate from Manyara to Tarangire. Especially during the dry season herds of zebra, elephant, giraffe, hippo impala, warthog gathering together around the waterholes. Tarangire’s pythons climb trees, also do its lions and leopards, lounging in the branches of the sausage tree. It is also an excellent place for birdwatching. The best birdwatching months are October to May.

Activities in the park

A wonderful way to really experience life in the bush is by a walking safari or mountainbike trails, see many herbivores and perhaps a couple of predators too! You will be accompanied by your guide and an armed National Park Ranger. If you want some comfort just take a game drive in a 4x4 vehicle. Night drives can be arranged when you overstay the night in the park. Bird watching is an other activity that can be offered. Tarangire is located next to the two tribe villages its possible to make village walk and get to know the Maasai and Datoga tribe and their way of life.

Ngorongoro Crater / Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Crater / Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Eight million years ago, the Ngorongoro Crater was an active volcano but its cone collapsed, forming the crater that is 610 meters deep, 20 kilometers in diameter, and covers an area of 311 sq. km. Spectacular as it is, the crater accounts for just a tenth of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Views from the rim of the crater are sensational. On the crater floor, grassland blends into swamps, lakes, rivers, woodland and mountains. You can descend to the floor of the crater in a four-wheel drive vehicle. Only 4WD vehicles are allowed into the crater and game rangers are compulsory for all.

The crater is home to many species of wildlife and birds. Almost every species of African plains mammal lives in the crater, including the endangered black rhino. The densest population of predators in Africa, can be seen here, lion, leopard, hyena. The birdlife, which includes the flamingo, is mainly seasonal, mostly seen in Lake Magadi on the crater floor.

Activities in the park

Ngorongoro is listed as a protected area and World Heritage. There for you can only stay within the park for a maximum time of 6 hours. This is called a full day game drive. During this time its only possible to take a game drive through the park and take lunch on the park picnic site. There are no other activities offered in the park itself. Out side the park you can visit a Maasai village.

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park

The most famous park in Tanzania is Serengeti National Park. It’s the oldest park, covering an area of 14,763 square kilometers, equal in size to Northern Ireland. Its name comes from the Masai word Siringet, meaning 'endless plains'. It is the sanctuary of an estimated four million different animals and birds. .

Seregenti is well known for the big migration, spectacular huge herds of wild zebra, antelopes, move to other areas of the park in search of greener grazing grounds (requiring over 4,000 tons of grass each day) and water. Because of its high population of these species it’s a perfect place for the big predators, the lions, leopards and hyenas are commonly seen while sleeping or hunting.

Activities in the park

Popular for its wild migration, a game drive through the park is possible with a 4x4 safari truck. Even an night drive is an option without staying in the park. To make your experience unforgettable you can take a hot balloon ride over the national park. With an amazing view of the wild animals below. After the balloon ride you get a nice breakfast served with champagne. Before you enter the gate of Serengeti, you will meet with the local Maasai children who would love to take their picture in return of money.